Exchange Rate: New Zealand Dollars to PKR (NZD/PKR)

NZ $1 = PKR 173.5970
PKR1 = NZ $ 0.0058
Currency Conversion Calculator: Dollars to Pounds.
New Zealand Dollars to PKR (NZDPKR) Exchange Rate Chart
Currency Conversion Cheat Sheet
1.00 173.60
5.00 867.99
10.00 1,735.97
15.00 2,603.96
20.00 3,471.94
25.00 4,339.93
50.00 8,679.85
100.00 17,359.70
150.00 26,039.56
200.00 34,719.41
250.00 43,399.26
500.00 86,798.52
1,000.00 173,597.03
5,000.00 867,985.17
10,000.00 1,735,970.35
1.00 0.01
5.00 0.03
10.00 0.06
15.00 0.09
20.00 0.12
25.00 0.14
50.00 0.29
100.00 0.58
150.00 0.86
200.00 1.15
250.00 1.44
500.00 2.88
1,000.00 5.76
5,000.00 28.80
10,000.00 57.60
0.01 1.00 173.60
0.03 5.00 867.99
0.06 10.00 1,735.97
0.09 15.00 2,603.96
0.12 20.00 3,471.94
0.14 25.00 4,339.93
0.29 50.00 8,679.85
0.58 100.00 17,359.70
0.86 150.00 26,039.56
1.15 200.00 34,719.41
1.44 250.00 43,399.26
2.88 500.00 86,798.52
5.76 1,000.00 173,597.03
28.80 5,000.00 867,985.17
57.60 10,000.00 1,735,970.35
Exchange Rate History
Date NZD/PKR Change
2024/09/19 173.5970
2024/09/18 172.7352 -0.8619
2024/09/17 172.6113 -0.1239
2024/09/16 172.3835 -0.2277
2024/09/15 171.6781 -0.7054
2024/09/14 171.1796 -0.4985
2024/09/13 171.4101 +0.2304
2024/09/12 172.3229 +0.9128
2024/09/11 170.8296 -1.4933
2024/09/10 171.4334 +0.6039
2024/09/09 171.2274 -0.2060
2024/09/08 172.0168 +0.7894
2024/09/07 172.1782 +0.1614
2024/09/06 172.0200 -0.1582
2024/09/05 173.2437 +1.2237
Date PKR/NZD Change
2024/09/19 0.0058
2024/09/18 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/17 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/16 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/15 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/14 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/13 0.0058 -0.0000
2024/09/12 0.0058 -0.0000
2024/09/11 0.0059 +0.0001
2024/09/10 0.0058 -0.0000
2024/09/09 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/08 0.0058 -0.0000
2024/09/07 0.0058 -0.0000
2024/09/06 0.0058 +0.0000
2024/09/05 0.0058 -0.0000
About Dollars 2 Pounds
Dollars to Pounds provides an easy to understand exchange rate and easy to use calculator for currency conversion between US (USD), Canadian (CAD), Australian (AUD), New Zealand (NZD) & Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) and British Pounds (GBP).

The Dollars to Pounds exchange rate shown is updated live around every 10 seconds. The charts are updated when the page is reloaded and go back about 10 years, so you can get a good idea of fluctuations in the exchange rate.

The rate shown is the market midpoint exchange rate between the buy and sell rates. If you are going on holiday and looking to exchange currency, you will more likely be offered something close to either the buy or sell rate , depending on whether or not you are selling or buying Dollars. When buying products in a different currency using your credit or debit card, you will get a rate between 3% and 10% of the market rate, as well as incur a cross currency transaction fee.

Be aware that the exchange rate you are offered for a currency exchange or cross currency purchase WILL be less than the market rate. This typically varies between 3% and 10%, so be sure to take that into account.

Dollars2Pounds supports over 140 different currencies. If you are not looking to convert Dollars into Pounds or Pounds into Dollars, try the Currencies page to select a different currency based on the currency symbol, or country of use.

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